Upgrade Artwork Production

Create professional artwork in high resolution, perfect sharpness, complete darkness and most accurate dimensions


precut films

fa fa-arrow-down

insert film

fa fa-arrow-down

convert and arrange Gerberdatas to Bitmap

fa fa-arrow-down

start photoplotter

fa fa-arrow-down

develop, fix,
rinse and dry film
(dark room)

fa fa-arrow-down

control film
(light table)

fa fa-arrow-down

cut films to size


System features:

  • Fine-line technology without solder mask
  • Resolution better 100μm
  • Film production with laser printer / inkjet printer or external
  • Modular upgradeable to level 2 + 3, multilayer, film production, wastewater or surface package at any time
  • Total process time: on average 10 to 60 minutes (depending on the number of holes or through-holes)
  • Maximum capacity: 10 m² / 8 h
  • Maximum plate format: 210 x 300 mm
  • BASISLINE 1 package includes: 4 machines
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG
fas fa-map-marker

Rilkestrasse 1
D-51570 Windeck

fa fa-fax

+49 2292 / 9 28 28 - 29