Stripper for positive and negative photoresists
This product mainly consists of caustic soda. It helps removing positive as well as negative photoresists from the PC boards. Compared to stripping with solvents, it gives you two main advantages: Less appearance of odours and safe and entire removal of any organic rests on the board which could spoil subsequent wet processing steps. After the PCB was stripped, it is rinsed under tap water and being neutralized. As a side effect, all traces of etching liquid and copper will be removed from the board and from the final rinse water. Use 50-100 g/litre of water to prepare a stripper for positive presensitized boards. Delivery unit: 250g bag.
Developer for positive presensitized boards
This developer ensures to get best results with our presensitized boards. It comes in special safety bags. The contents of one bag should be dissolved in 1 litre of water at room temperature. The shelf lilf of the powder is nearly unlimited, the liquid developer can be stored for some weeks in closed bottles, but only for a few hours in an open tray. Delivery unit: 1 bag for 1 l of water.
Developer for negative presensitized boards
Negative aquaeos alcaline laminates are normally developed in a 1-2 % solution of sodium carbonate. Also our negative developer consists of this chemical. It is supplied in bags for 1 and for 10 litres of water, according to development in a tray or in a machine.Delivery unit: 1 kg bag or 250g Jumbo can.
Sodium persulfate
This product is recommended for use in tank etchers. The work temperature should be 40 - 50 °C. The copper capacity is limited to less than 30 g/l due to the long etching time. Etching rate is approx. 1.5-7 µm / min. Give 200-250 g of Sodium persulfate to 1 litre of water Delivery unit: 1kg bag.
Ferric chloride
We recommend to use this product in our machines. Since beginning of 2012 the 56% conc. granulate is no longer available. As an alternative we offer a 40 % liquid solution . The solution has more than 50 g/l copper capacity and etching rates of about 30 down to 10 µm/minute.
Performance will be best at about 40-50 °C, but other than sodium persulfate, etching can be done even at room temperature. Ferric chloride tends to deposite a mud of copper chloride. This can be overcome by adding small portions of hydrochloric acid to the used (never to the fresh!) liquid. Liquid ferric-chloride ia available in 1-liter-, 5-liter- and 25-liter-units.
You can dilute the 40% liquid solution with 450ml water per litre down to 30 %. With our tests the fastest etching rate was achieved with a 30 % solution.
Stain remover RX 3
removes quickly and reliably stains of ferric chloride from clothing, skin and smooth surfaces.
Dissolve 100 to 250 g of powder completely by stirring in 5 liters of water. The powder dissolves better in warm water. Keep the fresh solution in a well-closed container. Place the object to be cleaned or the piece of clothing in the liquid and let it act for approximately 10 minutes until the stains are no longer visible. Rinse the clothes thoroughly and wash in the washing machine.
In order to selectively remove individual stains a small amount of powder can also be applied directly to the affected areas and moistened well with water. The effect is improved by rubbing with a damp sponge. Wear protective gloves when working.
Close the can immediately after removal! Formation of lumps by absorption of (air) moisture! Do not rush, do not throw!
Immersion tin SUR-TIN
SUR-TIN is an electroless immersion tinning system which protects the PCB copper surface and which increases solderability. After only 2 minutes of application, a shiny and clear tin layer is deposit on the copper. Afterwards, rinse with hot water and dry with a paper cloth. Set-up: Dissolve one after the other all three components in 2.5 l of warm water. Store the solution in an air-tight, dark bottle. It can be re-used several times and lasts for more than 2 m² of PCBs.
Delivery unit: 1 set for 2.5l of water.
UV-filter foil, yellow
Some of our materials are sensitive to UV-light. To avoid unintentional exposure of e.g our pre-sensitized base material or the tenting resist/solder mask foil, windows and lights should be covered with a UV-light-filter-foil. We supply this filter foil either as cuts from a 1.2 m roll or as 1.2m long sleeves for actinic tubes. Foil is recommended for light -sensitive areas such as laboratories, photo studios, chip manufacturers, painting systems, dental technicians, printing companies and medical institutions. UV protection 99.5 % to approx. 380 nm 95 % to approx. 500 Nm UV filtering can even be increased by several foils glued on top of each other.
For our Dry film laminator RLM 419p we offer a high resolution dry film as etch resist. The rolls have a width of 304 mm and a length of either 25m or 152m. The tenting etch resist has a thickness of 38μm and is embedded between a separation and a protection foil. The resist is hardened by UV-light. The non-exposed areas are removed with an alkaline developer.
Solder mask
Professional protection for your PCB! We offer a high resolution dry film for solder mask application with our dry film laminator RLM 419p. The rolls have a width of 304 mm and a length of either 25m or 76m. The solder mask has a thickness of 75μm and is embedded between a separation and a protection foil. The solder mask is hardened by UV-light. The non-exposed areas are removed with an alkaline developer. After developing the solder mask should be hardened or baked either with an UV-light exposer or in a special oven.
Reference pins for CCD
Besides clamp, tension or vacuum fixation you can also attach your board with reference pins to the Bungard CCD. This is especially recommended when you want to route double sided boards. In our CAM-suite IsoCam you can flip the board virtually over the reference pins just the same as you flip the board in reality. This way you ensure 100 % that top and bottom layer match to the drill holes.
Fixing pins for Hellas/Filmstar
Exposing PCBs you have to reference the layout tracks to the drill holes. One safe and simple possibility is to use the Bungard fixing pins. With the Bungard CCD you drill reference holes into your PCB. These reference holes are displayed as targets on your layout foil. The targets are punched with the Bungard Film Punch and after that you use the fixing pins to attach the layout to the PCB. This method is also applicable for double sided exposure.
Informationen to other sets of chemicals for surfaces (e.g. ormecon-tin or ENIG (electroless nickel gold)) or multilayer (e.g. Desmear und Sealbond) can be obtained upon request.
To all our chemicals we supply material safety data sheets (MSDS). The MSDS can be downloaded in our customer area.
© Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
All specifications are subject to change without notice.