Fine-line technology PCBs without soldermask but with mechanical PTH
Original Bungard
positive presensitized boards
CNC-drilling and contour routing
vacuum exposure
dip developing
+ rinsing
+ sprayetching
+ chemical tinning
+ drying
(all in Splash CENTER)
mechanical PTH
System features:
- Fine-line technology PCBs without soldermask
- Modular upgradeable to all Basic Line steps including multilayer, waste water treatment, artwork production or surface finishing set at any time!
- Track resolution: better 100µm!
- Film production with laser printer or bubble jet or local film supplier
- over all process time: 10 to 60min depending on number of holes
- maximum throughput: 10m² / 8h !
- maximum usable size: 210 x 300 mm
- Basic package: 4 machines