
The products Filmstar and CCD are delivered with a large packet of software. Besides the operating software Filmstar comes with two different viewers and two converting software for bitmap and gerber data.
The CCD-control software RoutPro 2008 already includes a viewer. RoutePro handles Excellon and HPG datas.
In addition we recommand the software IsoCAM PRO. IsoCAMPro is not only able to produce milling data from design, but also enables you to to read and convert Excellon, HPGL, Gerber, Bitmap and DXF data and produce drawings and transfer them to milling data. Get convinced of IsoCAM on the next page.

Modules for RoutePro 3000

Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG
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Rilkestrasse 1
D-51570 Windeck

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+49 2292 / 9 28 28 - 29