Coming Up soon !! IsoCam3000 - the software that solves your pcb-CAM needs !


You designed a PCB with your CAD package and now want to make a prototype or a small series by etching or by isolation milling.

RoutePro 3000

Desigend as software interface for all BUNGARD CCD CNC systems starting from 2006.

RoutePro 2008

Our Drill and Route Software RoutePro 2008 is integrated in every delivery of Bungard CCDs.


Filmstar Plus Software

The Software contains the file SetupFilmstar.exe. Please double click on this file and run the software install-ation.

QR-Code 3000

Multidip - Neuentwicklung!

Jeder Tauchgang einzeln programmierbar (Tauch-, Ziehgeschwindigkeit, Tauch- und Tropfzeit)

API 3000

Multidip - Neuentwicklung!

Jeder Tauchgang einzeln programmierbar (Tauch-, Ziehgeschwindigkeit, Tauch- und Tropfzeit)

Inspect 3000

Multidip - Neuentwicklung!

Jeder Tauchgang einzeln programmierbar (Tauch-, Ziehgeschwindigkeit, Tauch- und Tropfzeit)

Document 3000

Multidip - Neuentwicklung!

Jeder Tauchgang einzeln programmierbar (Tauch-, Ziehgeschwindigkeit, Tauch- und Tropfzeit)